High Dollar Cases

The IRS maintains their reputation of being unwavering by giving special attention to high dollar cases. In fact, they have a special division dedicated to going after high dollar cases. Our offices specialize in high-dollar tax cases and know exactly how to deal with the IRS. Click below to learn more about our high-dollar tax case services.

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High profile taxpayers, like sports stars and performers, are the IRS’ way of making an example

There is a substantial difference between how the IRS handles minor tax misdemeanors and high-value cases involving hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Every IRS branch has specially trained Revenue Officers who handle high dollar cases separately. They are seasoned investigators with thousands of cases under their belts and have all available resources at their disposal.

It’s their job to probe you from every possible angle:

  • Collect extensive records of your real estate, DMV and other valuable property
  • Collect credit records from all three major providers in the US
  • Demand financial information about you from your company or employer
  • Scan W-2 forms, 1099 reports, and FBAR
  • Get records from Accuriant or Lexis Nexis

The agents will even Google you up, check your social media accounts and even stalk your usual joints. They will hunt down and collect every piece of information about you, then, turn it into a weapon against you. High dollar agents will fight for every dollar on your tax bill.

If you ever thought the regular tax auditors were intimidating, these agents are downright scary. By cracking down high dollar cases, the IRS maintains it’s reputation as America’s most feared agency, thus intimidating regular citizens into diligently paying their taxes.


It’s imperative you organize your defense the soonest you get wind of a high dollar investigation into you or your business. The special agents will eventually uncover every dollar of unpaid tax in your name.

If during the investigation the IRS finds evidence of fraud and tax evasions, then the case will fall under the jurisdiction of the Criminal Investigations Division. CID will use the full resources of the IRS to punish you and make an example.

Depending on the case, penalties may be:

  • Filing late tax returns – civil penalty up to 25% of owed taxes.
  • Errors and discrepancies in tax returns – civil penalty up to 20% of owed taxes.
  • Intentional tax evasion and fraud – civil penalty of 75% of owed taxes.
  • Failure to file your tax returns AT ALL – 1 year in prison and a fine of $25,000 for each year you didn’t file a tax return.
  • Filing a false tax return – felony conviction with up to 3 years in prison and a fine up to $100,000.
  • Lying to an IRS employee – up to 3 years in prison and a fine up to $100,000.
  • Criminal conviction of tax evasion and fraud – up to 5 years in prison and a fine up to $100,000.

You need to identify the most critical and damaging issues in your records and rectify them before the IRS has a chance to act upon them. In doing so, you will reduce the severity of any penalties and charges pressed against you, likely sidestepping the worst case scenario.

With a dulled edge, the IRS will be much more open to negotiations in order to achieve a fair resolution.

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