If the revenue agent is not satisfied with what you have provided the IRS may issue something called a summons.
You are entitled to a copy of almost everything in your IRS auditor’s file under the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA.
You may not walk away with a deal from the appeals officer at one sitting. The officer may want more documents from you or to research an issue
The law says that a sideline business loss can produce a tax write-off as long as the business owner is honestly trying to make a profit.
Generally, there is no stopping an audit once it begins. Once the IRS sends an examination notice to your last known address, the audit has begun.
If visiting the IRS would cause you great hardship, you can ask that the office audit be held at your home or business.
Before leaving for your tax audit — or before the revenue agent arrives at your home office— take one last look at your documents and do an inventory of the receipts and records you have for the audit.
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