Tax court is a whole new ball game. It is a brand new hearing before a judge who knows nothing about your case.
Here is how to prepare for the encounter with the IRS when being subjected to an office audit – Part 2
Here is how to prepare for the encounter with the IRS when being subjected to an office audit – Part 1
After requesting an appeal, you will have between a few months to a year before your hearing. Use this time to prepare diligently.
After you file your petition, within an year, you will receive a “notice setting case for trial” It gives you the place, date, and time of your court date.
The IRS attorney may not say so, but would probably like to settle the case, rather than go to trial. It is less work for the IRS.
Medicaid is a joint program between the federal government and individual states providing medical assistance to individuals meeting the criteria.
A Medicaid applicant can only have $2,313 (2019) of income in their name per month.
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